Ben Nemzer

Ben Nemzer is a world-renowned magician and mentalist who has captivated audiences across the globe with his mind-boggling performances. His impressive resumé boasts appearances on Netflix, Comedy Central, and the Science Channel, as well as performances at the Hollywood Magic Castle, the legendary Friars Club, and on the stages of NYC's longest-running off-Broadway magic show and Las Vegas.

Ben's unique ability to customize his performances to fit specific themes and messages has made him a sought-after performer for Fortune 500 companies and high-profile figures like NASCAR and Daytona 500 Champion Jeff Gordon, late baseball legend Yogi Berra, and TV personality Martha Stewart. His interactive routines spark conversations and connections among guests, creating unforgettable moments that leave a lasting positive impact.

When you invite Ben to perform at your special appearance, corporate, or private event, you can be confident that your guests will be thoroughly impressed. His exceptional reputation and ability to reinforce brand identity and key event messages ensure a resoundingly successful event experience that will be remembered for years to come.


Adam Elbaum